Searches Help
Overview's many search tools provide a number of options for selecting or browsing from our entire stock of titles. You can choose from among the Quick Search and Quick Search criteria, use the Advanced Search options to refine your results, or conduct specific searches of suggested booklists. From the Search Results pages you can begin creating and adding to your own lists.
Quick Search
The Quick Search is found in the upper right-hand corner throughout It consists of a drop-down box for selecting criteria (on the left) and a blank box for entering search words or numbers (on the right). To conduct a Quick Search:
To conduct a Quick Search
- Click on your search criteria (title, author, etc.) in the drop-down box.
- Type your search words in the blank box and hit "Enter" or click on "Go." You will be taken to a Search Results page displaying matches for your criteria.
Specific Search Links
There are two special searches. Click on Advanced Search to find them. These are:
- Advanced Search
- Multiple Search
For more information on these searches, scroll down or select them in the menu area.
Advanced Search
The Advanced Search tool provides highly refined, specific results by allowing you to select from, or combine, multiple search criteria. You can reach the Advanced Search page by selecting it from the top right-hand corner of every page, or once you are logged in, by clicking on it in from the "Searches" heading on the "My Account" page.
Criterion Options - Advanced
Select from any number of the following advanced search criteria. You can select as many or as few criteria as you would prefer.
Click on to enter a criterion.
Click on if you no longer wish to search by this criterion.
Narrow By:
Begin a specific search by entering your selection words in either of two boxes in the middle of the advanced search page.
Choose criteria from the drop-down boxes: Title, Author, Catalog Number, Illustrator, Easy Search, Publisher, Series, Subject Heading, ISBN, AR Quiz Number, Within Set Number, Booklist Number, and LCCN.
Grade Levels
- Reading Levels: Select a basic reading level range, from WL (wordless, pictures only) to 12, in these drop-down boxes.
- Interest Levels: Select an interest level range, from P (Pre-K) to 12, in these drop-down boxes.
- Lexile Measures: Lexile program number range. Enter a number in either or both boxes.
Reading Programs
- AR Reading Level: Accelerated Reader program level range.
- AR Points Range: Accelerated Reader program points range.
- AR Grade Range: Accelerated Reader grade range.
- Reading Counts! Reading Level: Reading Counts! program level range.
- Reading Counts! Points Range: Reading Counts! program points range.
Product Details
- Copyright Date: Yearly range for title Copyright date (can enter the same year twice).
- Page Count:
- Price:
- Language:
- Binding:
Review / Recommendations
- Reviewing Agencies: Choose from among many different reviewing agencies and awards lists for your search selection. You can choose multiple criteria by holding down the "Ctrl" key and clicking on additional reviewers as you scroll through the list.
- Number of Reviews: Enter the minimum number of reviews you want associated with your search selection.
- Core Selections: Choose titles from among Perma-Bound's Core Selection for High School, Middle School, or Elementary School sets. You can also use this selection criterion to view a given set in its entirety.
Content/Subject Matter
- Dewey Code: Enter E for Easy, F for Fiction, NF for Nonfiction, or a range of Dewey Numbers (e.g. 100-120). Separate multiple Dewey selections with a comma (e.g. 100-109, 120-129, 741-741).
- Product Type: Choose from among a number of different product types, from Accelerated Reader Disks to DVD titles to Teacher's Guides, in this drop-down box. You can choose multiple criteria by holding down the "Ctrl" key and clicking on additional types as you scroll through the list.
- Maximum Search Results: Use this option to limit the total number of results returned for your search, results over this number will be omitted from your results.
Match List
- In Lists: You can use this option to limit results displayed to those items which are currently present in one or more of your lists. You can choose multiple lists by holding down the "Ctrl" key and clicking on additional types as you scroll through the list.
- Product Type: You can use this option to limit results displayed to those items which are not currently present in one or more of your lists. You can choose multiple lists by holding down the "Ctrl" key and clicking on additional types as you scroll through the list.
Submit or Reset
Once all search criteria has been entered and selected, press "Submit" to initiate your search. To clear all fields and begin again, press "Reset". Depending on your internet browser's settings, our website is programmed to retain all search criteria until you choose to "Reset" the search form.
You want to add recently released titles on animals for K-3 readers.
- Use "animals" and select "Easy Search" within Narrow Search by:.
- Choose Reading Levels: "From - 1" "To - 3" (which includes kindergarten).
- Enter "From - 2006" within Copyright Date, then Click on "Submit".
Multiple Catalog / ISBN / AR Quiz Search
This will allow you to search for multiple catalog numbers / ISBN / AR quiz numbers at once, without a limit to the size of the list. Select the appropriate radio box to search by: Catalog Number, ISBN, or AR Quiz Number. Enter your numbers in the large box and press "Submit". You need not include the dashes in the ISBN.
Accelerated Reader Search
This search tool has been integrated into the Advanced Search.
- AR Books Select "AR Books only" from within the Product Type drop-down.
- AR Book Sets/ Standard Title Sets (software) Only. Search for AR sets instead of individual titles by selecting "AR Sets only" from within the Product Type drop-down.
- Other AR Items (kits, premiums, etc.). Search for other AR booster items, such as pencils, stickers, posters, t-shirts, backpacks, etc., by entering valid criteria in the "Title:" box. You can also use the Product Type drop-down and select "AR Premiums only".
You may also use the AR Reading Level, AR Points Range, and AR Grade Range criteria.
Reading Program Viewing Options
The following information will be included on your search results and list pages based upon the settings in your account:
- Accelerated Reader - AR Reading Level and Points value for program titles.
- Reading Counts! - Reading Counts! Reading Level and Points for program titles (blue font).
- Lexile Number - Lexile Number value for program titles (red font).
To alter your Reading Program viewing options (which were initially chosen upon signing up), click on User Preferences in the left-hand menu on the My Account page. Then click on the appropriate box to add or remove the check-mark, then click on "Update". For further information, go to the 'Reading Programs' area of the Help Center.
Search Results Page Overview
The Search Results and List pages form the foundation of's title selection process and are very similar in nature. From these pages you can conduct research on specific titles, as well as add to and manage the contents of an individual list.
Search Results Summary
The blue row above the Title Results area provides a basic summary of the search results including the total number of titles and the number of pages of results.
Refine Results
If you have received too many results, click on "Refine Search" to narrow your search by adding more search criteria.
Title Results
The Title Results area displays the title and additional information, row by row, for the results of your search. This includes the following fields of information:
Book Buttons
These multi-colored icons will make finding the special book formats easier. The following "Book Buttons" will appear next to the cover image, on the Quick View pop-up window, on the Title Detail screens, and within your lists. Simply perform a search and scan down the page for these buttons to find the format you want. Watch the site for the Book Buttons shown below!
Common Core
Light Novel
Series Tracker
MUA (Multi User Access)
- Add. The Add box appears if you do not have this
title within your list.
To add a title:
- If you do not already have a list selected, click on "Create New List" or "Select Existing List."
- To add a title with quantity 1 and normal priority, click on the Add box. You will see a message, "In List" in red text replace the "Add" box.
- You may also amend the quantity and priority before you click the "Add" box.
- The Add section in the left-hand menu allows you to add all titles on this search, all titles on this page.
- You can update the check boxes, and then click "Add All Checked Items on this Page," if you prefer.
NOTE: "N/A" in the Add area indicates that though an AR Quiz is available, Perma-Bound does not carry that particular book title.
- Priority. This drop-down box contains three options:
- Normal - the default setting, which appears upon selecting a title.
- High - these items will be the first ones added to your order when it is processed at Perma-Bound. This is important when using the "Do Not Exceed" dollar amount option during check out (see Orders for more information).
- Sub - these items will be added if the rest of your order has been filled but did not meet your "Do Not Exceed" dollar amount, or they will be substituted for out of stock or discontinued items.
To select a title's priority, click on your choice in the drop down menu. Once you have added a title, you can change its priority within the list page.
- Title Information. This area lists the title (which
is a link to the Title
Detail page), author (click on the link to view all titles by that
author), format, publisher, year of publication, and Perma-Bound
Catalog number for the title. If your list includes sets, the number
of books or other media that set comprises will be displayed. If you
have chosen to view Reading Program details, abbreviated information
will appear as follows:
- Accelerated Reader (green text) - Reading Level (rl), points (pts), and quiz number.
- Reading Counts!! (blue text) - Reading Level (rl) and points (pts)
- Lexile Number (red text) - Lexile Number (LEX)
Clicking on the title (cover) image will show selected information in a pop-up window.
For further information, go to the 'Reading Programs' area of the Help Center.
- Publisher. This area displays the publisher and copyright date.
- Rd Level. This area displays the basic Reading Level.
- Int Level. This area displays Interest Level by school grade.
- Dewey. This area displays Dewey code.
- Series. This area provides information on series
- Series name - appears for individual titles. Click on the link to view all the titles within that series.
For detailed information, go to the 'Sets and Suggested Book Lists' area of the Help Center.
- Qty. This area displays the quantity of each selected title (default of 1). To change the quantity, click within the box and enter a new number and then add the item to your list. Once you have added a title, you can change its quantity within the list page by changing the quantity number and updating.
- Price. This area displays the current price.
- Avail. This area displays the title's availability:
- No designation will appear if the title is available for immediate purchase
- Out of Print - publisher no longer producing the title
- Out of Stock Indefinitely - publisher has designated the title as out of print but may yet decide to reissue
- Out of Stock from Publisher - title is scheduled for additional reprints by the publisher
- Not Yet Published - Edition Not Yet Published - Available for Pre-Order
- Tmat. A Tmat symbol
will appear if there are teaching materials for this title. To view these look on the Title Detail page.
Search Results/Tabs
When search results are displayed, they will be sorted into the four tabs near the top of the page. Click on each tab to view the appropriate items.
- Books. This tab will display all books which match your search criteria. Please note that sets will not appear in this tab, select the "All" tab to see the sets related to your search.
- Teaching Materials. This tab will display all teaching materials which match your search criteria. These include Teacher Guides, Perma-Guides, Novel Units, and Student Packets.
- Audio/Visual. This tab will display all audio/visual items associated with your search criteria. These include Audio CDs, DVDs, and VHS Recordings.
- All. This is the default. This tab will hold all items from the Books, Teaching Materials, and Audio/Visual tabs as well as other items such as sets.
Search Results/List Interface
These options, located above the Title Results area, provide a series of quick commands for interfacing with your lists and search results. Additional option buttons will appear depending upon your selections.
- View List. Click on this button to view the contents of your currently selected list (the list name will be in bold at the left above the blue navigation bar). NOTE: You can return from the list page to your most recent search results page by clicking on "Return to Search Results".
- List Summary. This row displays a basic summary of
the list currently selected.
- Qty - the total quantity of items, including sets and multiples.
- Price - This price includes the total for all items on the list, including substitute items and pre-order titles or out of stock. Total price does not include sales tax or processing charges; to get a wholly accurate price for a list, you will need to submit as an order or quote (for detailed information, see 'Orders and Quotes').
- Page Listing. Indicates the number of pages comprised by your search results. You can navigate between pages by clicking on the arrows ( and ).
- Go to Page. This drop-down affords quick navigation between search result pages. Click on the down arrow and select the page you want to go to and you will be taken there.
- Jump in Sort. This button affords quick navigation within search result pages. It is tied to your sorting options and will take you to the first page your search term is found on. If you sort by title, in the white box, enter the first letter of the title you wish to find and press "Enter" or click on the "Jump in Sort" button.
These options, located in the left-hand menu provide a series of quick commands for interfacing with your lists and search results.
- Refine Search. This link takes you to the advanced search page where you can add additional criteria to your current search.
- Search History. This link takes you to a list of your recent searches. This page displays your last 25 searches by date, time, then criteria. You can resubmit them from this page by clicking the "Rerun Search" link after the entry for the search you want to resubmit. You can also bookmark any search and return to it later.
List Management
- Create New List. Once you have selected at least one
title, use this button to create a new list and save your results.
- Click on the "Create New List" button - a "New List Name" box will appear.
- Enter your list name and press "Submit". You can now begin adding to your newly created list.
- Select an Existing List. This drop-down box allows you to select a different list (if you have created multiple lists) for adding to or viewing. Click on one of your other lists and that list name will then be enclosed by the single quotes in the "Add to List" and "View List" buttons, indicating selection.
- Add Items
- Add All Items in this Search. Clicking on this link will add all of the items on all pages of the current search results.
- Add All Items on this Page. Clicking on this link will add all of the items on the current page of the current search results.
- Add All Checked Items on this Page. Clicking on this link will add all of the items with marked check boxes on the current page.
Sorting Options
The "Sort By" drop-down menu under the "Sorting" heading in the left-hand menu provides several options for sorting search results. Choose to sort results by ascending or descending numerical or alphabetical value using the "Sort Direction" drop-down menu.
- AR Reading Level
- Author - alphabetical by author
- Binding type
- Catalog Number
- Copyright Date - from oldest to newest
- Dewey - according to the Dewey Decimal System then by title
- Interest Level
- Language
- Lexile - by Lexile number
- Number of Reviews
- Price
- Publisher - alphabetical by publisher
- Reading Counts! - by Reading Counts! reading level
- Reading Level
- Relevance - by how closely the title matches your search terms
- Series- by series name then by volume number
- Title - alphabetical by title
NOTE: The default sort setting for all search results is typically alphabetical by title.
These are an alternative to using Refine Search.
- Filter by Reading
- All Reading Levels - will return to original results
- WL
- Grades 1-3
- Grades 1-6
- Grades 3-6
- Grades 5-9
- Grades 7-12
- Grades 9-12
- Filter by Interest Level
- All Interest Levels - will return to original results
- Grades PreK-3
- Grades 3-6
- Grades 5-9
- Grades 7-12/7+, YA
- Grades 9+, Adult
- Professional
- Filter by Product Type
- All Products - will return to original results
- Sets
- Accelerated Reader - will return only titles associated with Accelerated Reader
- Reading Counts! - will return only titles associated with the Reading Counts! program
- Filter by Language
- All Languages - will return all original search results
- English - will return only English titles
- Spanish - will return only Spanish titles
- Bilingual(Spanish) - will return only titles in both English and Spanish
- Bilingual(Other) - will return only titles in English and another language other than Spanish
- Filter by Binding Type
- All Binding Types - will return to original results
- Perma-Bound - will return only titles in the Perma-Bound binding
- Other - will return any titles NOT in the Perma-Bound binding
NOTE: The filters can be used separately or in tandem. You can, for example, filter by both "Spanish" and "Grades 5-9" to achieve pinpoint results.
Author and Series Links
When viewing your search results, the author name is a link. When you click on the author's name, the website will automatically search for all titles by that author. It then displays the results of your new search.
When viewing your search results, if the title is part of a publisher's series (Harry Potter, Boxcar Children) the website will display the series name as a link. That link will automatically search for all titles within that series. It then displays the new search results.
Title Detail Page
This page provides additional information on an individual title, from page count and Dewey code to series. You can reach the title detail page by clicking on the blue -Title Detail- link in any list or search results page. This page has the following information and options:
The top of each title detail page will include the title, author, price, and series (if application) information. As in other areas, clicking on the author's name will open a new search with results for all titles by that author.
You can add a title to your list from within a Title Detail page:
- Set the quantity to the number of items you want.
- Set the priority by choosing from the Priority drop down.
- Click on the "Add" button.
- A red "In List" will appear for that title.
Below this area is the annotation for the title, the Perma-Bound catalog number, and binding type. All of this information remains on all sections of the title detail page.
More information can be found at the bottom of the page by using various tabs. NOTE: Not every title will have all the information below. Additionally, many tabs will not appear unless you are logged in.
Provides specific information (when it applies) to each title including the following: Publisher, Copyright, Illustrator, Pages, Availability, ISBN and ISBN 13, Dewey Classification, LCCN, Dimensions, Subject Headings, Language, Reviewing Agencies, etc.
Reading Information
Word Count, reading level, interest level, and reading program information.
Selected titles include reviews by Perma-Bound and the School Library Journal.
Find all sets which contain this title.
Teaching Material
In addition to other products and sets, your search results may include Teacher Material. For more detailed information on these materials, click here.
- Teacher's Guides: A source of activities and assessment tools for a given title that includes more than a dozen separate resource components. Produced by Perma-Bound.
- Perma-Guides: An expanded source of activities and assessment tools for a given title that contains Teacher's Guide components in greater detail, plus material for three groups of students, At Risk, On Level, and Enriched, plus reproducibles. Produced by Perma-Bound.
- Novel Unit: A teaching guide that includes multiple activities and assessment tools.
- Student Packets: Includes the Novel Unit teaching guide, plus an average of 44 pages of multiple-level reproducibles.
Find all of your lists which contain this title.
State Standards
If your state is displayed in light blue on the State Standards map there will also be tabs on our title detail pages which display the standards a title correlates to.
NOTE: Not all titles on Perma-Bound will correlate to a standard for your state. Additionally, the State Standard tab is based upon the state listed in your profile, not the state you are currently viewing from the State Standards section of the site.
This tab allows you to create custom memos about items. For more information check out the My Account section of help.
The following options are available on the left-hand menu of the title detail page:
- Return to Search Results. This link takes you back to the search results page for you current search.
- Refine Search. This link takes you to the advanced search page where you can add additional criteria to your current search.
- Search History. This link takes you to a list of your recent searches.
- Next Result. Click on this link to view the next title in your search results.
- Previous Result. Click on this link to view the prior title in your search results.
List Management
- Create New List
- Click on the "Create New List" button - a "New List Name" box will appear.
- Enter your list name and press "Submit". You can now begin adding to your newly created list. Select existing list. This drop-down box allows you to select a different list (if you have created multiple lists) for adding to or viewing. Click on the list name that you would like to select. View 'List'. Clicking on this link will take you to your currently selected list, which will appear after View in single quotes.
- Refer to a Friend. Send an email recommendation to a friend.
FAQs - Searches
I have conducted a search and would now like to save some items to a list - how do I proceed?
- Click on the "Create New List" button - a "New List Name" box will appear.
- Enter your list name and press "Submit". Your new list's name will appear between the single quotes in the "Add to list" and "View list" buttons.
- Click on "Add". A red "In List" message will appear beside your newly added items. You can now retrieve your new list at any time from the Lists, Orders, Quotes area of the My Account page.
How can I research a product in detail?
Click on the product's title, which will take you to the Title Detail page for that item.
My search returned pages and pages of results - how can I limit or refine my results?
Try using the Advanced Search and limiting by Reading Level, Interest Level, Product Type, or any of the other criteria. Click here to see some examples.
Which basic search criterion will return the broadest selection of results?
Use the Easy Search option for broad results. Easy Search includes these search criteria:
- Title
- Subject Heading
- Title annotations
How do I search for the newest titles?
You can use the Copyright Date field in Advanced Search and enter a range of the last few years.
NOTE: If you want to search a particular year (2005, for example), enter that year in both boxes.
What are Teacher's Guides, Perma-Guides, Novel Units, and Student Packets? How do I search for them?
Click here for a brief overview of these support materials. To search for these support materials, go to the Advanced Search page and select them in the "Product Type" drop-down box.
I can't find the title I'm looking for, can you help me?
Yes. If you're having trouble locating an item on our website click on the We Can Help under "Can't Find a Title" in the left-hand menu for details to help you locate a title, you can also call customer service at +1 800 637-6581 or email the following information to [email protected]
- Title of the book you are searching for
- Author of the book you are searching for
- ISBN Number of the book (if available)
- Any other information you have about the book (i.e. Copyright, Publisher, LCCN #, etc.)
- Your name and phone number in case we need to contact you other than by email