MARC Records Help
- Overview
- Setting Up Processing Preferences
- Downloading Records
- Exporting MARC Records
- FAQs - MARC Records
Perma-Bound provides Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC) records to all customers interested in receiving them. offers the option to download these records directly from our website. Choose from among MARC 21, US MARC/852 1991, US MARC/941 1991, and MICROLIF Format 1987 record types for both PC and Mac platforms. You can also choose to have your MARC records sent via email or shipped along with the rest of your order on a data disk.
Setting Up Processing Preferences
MARC records for your orders can be downloaded directly from the My Account page. If you would like to take advantage of this service you may call Perma-Bound at +1 800 637-6581 and speak to a customer care representative, or use our easy, online form to request this change. To access the form:
- Click on the My Information link on the My Account page.
- In the Processing Preferences tab, click on the Complete form link.
- Fill in the form. Make sure to add inside of the area provided that you would like to download your MARC records.
- Click the Submit button.
- Your message will be sent to Perma-Bound and a customer care representative will complete your request. You should also receive a copy of this message for your records.
Downloading Records
If you have selected to download your MARC records, they will be available shortly after your order ships. You will receive an email alert to let you know your records are ready for downloading. This email also includes a PDF file-attachment that lists summary and barcode information for those records. When you next login to, the MARC Records file will appear in the MARC Records area of the My Account page.

This area contains a selectable box for each record and two information columns:
- Records - Lists the invoice number, purchase order number, and quantity for that order.
- Date Received - The date Perma-Bound made the record-file available.

The Download Process
- Select one of your MARC record-files by right-clicking on the text link for the records you wish to download. Do not click in the box next to the text.
- Select "Save link as" or "Save target as" and choose a location. Perma-Bound recommends saving the file to your desktop or My Documents folder.
- Your MARC records are ready to be imported into your library circulation system software. (You are finished with this step.)
- Next go to your school's circulation system.
Importing Records
After you have saved or downloaded your MARC records successfully, open the circulation system that your school uses.
If your school uses Alexandria:
On the 'Main Tools' menu, select 'Import'. A data import window will appear. Click the 'Add' (+) button located in the bottom left corner and then select the appropriate file. Drag and drop the file and select 'Start'. Your records will begin loading.If your school uses Atriuum:
Go to Catalog, Import MARC File. Choose the MARC file from the location where you saved or downloaded on your computer. IMPORTANT: Rule-setting Definitions must all be standard, then click "continue", which places MARC records in a holding bin. Add imported holding and then accept importing. Your MARC records should now be loading.If your school uses Destiny:
Go to Catalog and select Import. Scroll toward bottom, select Choose File/Browse from location to where you saved or downloaded the marc records onto your computer. Select Import. Your records should now be loading.-
If your school uses ResourceMate:
- Navigate to Plus->Import Process
- Click on the New button on the bottom right to begin a New Import Process
- Click on the radio button labeled "Import Items from MARC File"
- As an option, you may enter Comment: information to be saved with the import
- Click on Next
- Under Source File, choose/enter a MARC file name/location to export to in the MARC Source File: output field by clicking on the "…" to navigate to a specific folder location
- Under MARC File Info, choose the default Resource Type using the dropdown and MARC Delimiter, if different from $
- Check the checkbox, This file in is Microlif format (Binary MARC)
- You may choose to run Analyze MARC File… - a utility to determine if there is any MARC information that will not be imported. This screen displays any MARC tags that are not currently set to import into ResourceMate.
- Click Next
- Set Item Print Switches for items to be imported in MARC file by checking checkbox, Set Print Switches for Import Items
- Click Next
- To proceed with the import, click the Start Import Process button
- MARC Import Process window will appear:
- Click Finish
- If there were any warnings or errors in the import log, you will be able to view them under the tab, Import Process Tab. Click OK to close the Warnings/Errors in Logs window.
- In the Import Process Grid Window, click on the applicable import and navigate to the Items tab to view the contents of the imported file and click on the Detail tab, then click on the "Copy Information to Library" button.
Deleting Records
You can delete MARC records once they have been downloaded by
clicking on either the "Delete Checked" or "Delete All" buttons. In
either case you will receive a confirmation message in a red-outlined
box, where you can click on "Delete" once again to remove the records
or "Cancel" to return to the My Account page.
To use
the "Delete Checked" option, select the record set(s) you would like
to delete by clicking once in the box next to the record set(s).
Click the "Delete Checked" button. Answer the confirmation message.
Your unwanted records will be removed from the My Account page.
FAQs - MARC Records
How do I download my MARC records?
First you have to select to download your records as part of a processing preference. Click here for step-by-step instructions.
I have selected to download my MARC records and they are now available - how do I proceed?
Step-by-step instructions can be found here.
I want to download my MARC records but my processing preferences are not on file - how can I choose this option?
Call us toll free at +1 800 637-6581 to speak with a customer care representative. They will make the necessary changes to your processing preference on file.
I deleted my MARC records by accident but now I need them again - what should I do?
Call us toll free at +1 800 637-6581 to speak with a customer care representative.
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