
My Account Help


The My Account page provides access to lists, quotes, orders, memos, contacts, user information and preferences, and messages. The information is divided into three sections: Lists/Quotes/Orders; My Information; and My Messages. Each section includes various tabs and sub-pages to help you manage your interactions on

District Management Dashboard

This section will only appear if you belong to a district which has opted to use our District Management tools and your account is designated as a District Administrator.

At the top left is a toggle switch which can be used to alternate between showing and hiding the dashboard.

The dashboard presents information relevant to the locations and activities in your district. The left-hand column shows district information, such as the number of district location, lists, quotes, and orders. The right-hand side allows you to change the currently selected location and shows the number of users, lists, quotes, and orders for the location.

For the selected location in the dashboard, many areas of the My Account page reflect information and allow actions relevant to that location. For example, all lists and quotes, and name of the owning user are displayed, but as district admin you have the ability to Quote any lists, or Order any lists or quotes. You can view, print, email, send to user, or delete any lists, quotes, or web orders in process. You can view any invoices that have been generated for the selected location. You can use the shipment check-in feature, download MARC records, and view any memos entered for products at the location.

Some functionality is not affected by selecting a location in the dashboard because the data behind them is tied to an individual user rather than the entire location; these include Series Tracker, Default Processing Profile and Teacher's Guides


This section provides access to the lists, quotes, and orders you have generated using as well as any product memos which have been created. The section is divided into three tabs: Lists and Quotes; Orders; View My Memos.

Lists and Quotes

This tab displays lists and quotes which you have created online at You can select any of the following functions by clicking on their respective buttons under the "Lists and Quotes" tab on the Lists/Quotes/Orders section of the "My Account" page.

New List

  1. Click on the "New List" button in the blue tool bar at the bottom of the page. A red-outlined box will appear above the "Lists and Quotes" display area.
  2. Type a brief name for your list within the box and any notes you want to add such as a description of what the list will contain, and click on "OK."
  3. Your new list will appear within the "Lists and Quotes" display area, and it will already be selected. Now you can begin searching for titles to add to your list (for more information on conducting searches go to the 'Searches' section of the Help Center.


  1. Click on the list name.
  2. You will be taken to your list page.


  1. Select the radio button next to a list.
  2. Click on "Open." You will be taken to your list page.


You can send a PDF formatted copy of any list, quote, or order to any e-mail address you specify. This is especially useful to schools who are trying to reduce paper usage.

  1. Select the radio button next to any list or quote and click Print/Email button.
  2. Complete the following two pages according to your order preferences, similar to how you build a quote.
  3. On the third page, choose the sorting, printing format option, and additional information you want included. Then select the delivery method: PDF, Print/View as HTML, or email the contact (you can also enter new/other e-mail addresses using this option).


  1. Select the radio button next to a list.
  2. Click on "Quote". You will be taken to the Quote Options page. For detailed information, go to the 'Orders and Quotes' section of the Help Center.


  1. Select the radio button next to a list.
  2. Click on "Order". You will be taken to the "Order Options" page. For detailed information, go to the 'Orders and Quotes' section of the Help Center.


  1. Select the radio button next to a list, quote or order.
  2. Click on 'Copy/Merge/Split'.
  3. You will be taken to the 'Copy/Merge/Split' section where you can Copy, Merge, Subtract, and Split lists.

Send List

This creates a copy of the list and assigns the copy to the user(s) to whom you send the list.

  1. Select the radio button next to a list.
  2. Click on "Send List". This takes you to the Send List page.
  3. Select a user (or users) with whom to share your list. Your options:
    • Type a person's username (example, jdoe1) in the "Send to Username" box.
    • Click on a person's username from the "Send to Contact" drop-down box, if you have added contacts to your User Profile (for detailed information, go to the 'User Profile, Contacts' section of the Help Center).
    • Click on a group name from the "Send to Group" drop-down box, if you have added groups to your User Profile (for detailed information, go to the 'User Profile, Contacts' section of the Help Center).
  4. Choose whether or not to attach your personal product memos when you send the list.
  5. Enter a short message about your list (optional, 150 character limit).
  6. Edit the List Notes are you want before sending to the other users.
  7. Click on "OK" to send the list to the selected user (or users).

Share List

This allows users to collaborate, work together, on the same list. If you do not want other users to modify your list consider using the Send List feature.

  1. Select the radio button next to a list.
  2. Click on "Share List". This takes you to the Share List page.
  3. Select a user (or users) with whom to share your list. Your options:
    • Type a person's username (example, jdoe1) in the "Send to Username" box.
    • Click on a person's username from the "Send to Contact" drop-down box, if you have added contacts to your User Profile (for detailed information, go to the 'User Profile, Contacts' section of the Help Center).
    • Click on a group name from the "Send to Group" drop-down box, if you have added groups to your User Profile (for detailed information, go to the 'User Profile, Contacts' section of the Help Center).
    • If you are part of a school under District Management, you can click Share to District Managers to share the list with users designated as District Managers for your district.
  4. Enter a short message about your list (optional, 120 character limit).
  5. Click on "OK" to send the list to the selected user (or users).

Rename/Add Notes

  1. Select the radio button next to a list.
  2. Click on "Rename/Add Notes". A red-outlined box naming your selected list will appear at the top of the page.
  3. Type a new description for your list in the "New List Name" box, also edit the list notes as you would like and click on "OK". Your list will be renamed within Lists and Quotes and automatically selected.

Change Quantity

  1. Select the radio button next to the list.
  2. Click on "Change All."
  3. Enter the quantity in the box provided. (NOTE: This will change the quantity of every title in your list to the number you specify.
  4. Click "Change." If you change your mind, click "Cancel."

Change Priority

  1. Select the radio button next to the list.
  2. Click on "Change All."
  3. Enter the priority in the box provided. (NOTE: This will change the priority of every title in your list).
  4. Click "Change." If you change your mind, click "Cancel."

Duplicate Check

  1. Select the radio button next to the list you wish to check.
  2. Click on "Duplicate Check".
  3. You are now taken to the List Conflicts page.
  4. On this page, you can review duplicate titles. If you wish to remove one of the duplicates, click the red "X" to the right of the copy you want to remove. Click the "Remove All" button at the bottom of the page to remove all duplicates listed.


  1. Select the radio button next to a list.
  2. Click on "Import/Export". A box will appear asking if you want to open or save your list (as a Comma Separated Values file).
  3. Either open the list-file with a CSV-friendly program (such as Microsoft Excel) or save the file to your hard drive for later use.

NOTE: Export List is not a standard user option. If you would like access to this option, please contact your Perma-Bound representative and ask them to request it for you.


  1. Click on "Import/Export."
  2. A box will appear where you will enter a name for your new list and any notes you want to include for the list. Use the Browse button to locate and select your previously exported CSV file and then click on OK to create the list from your imported file's contents.

NOTE: Import List is not a standard user option, it is enabled only if Export List is enabled. If you would like access to this option, please contact your Perma-Bound representative and ask them to request it for you.

User Label

  1. Select the radio button next to the list.
  2. Click on "User Label". A red-outlined box with a space for you to enter a label and change the label color will appear at the top of the page.
  3. Click "OK". If you change your mind, click on "Cancel".
  4. 4. You will now be able to sort your lists based on the labels and colors you have entered.


  1. Select the radio button next to the list you wish to delete.
  2. Click on "Delete". A pop-up box confirming your delete-request will appear.
  3. To proceed, click on "OK" within the box. If you change your mind, click on "Cancel".

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Orders Tab and Functions

This tab displays orders you have submitted online at you can access the following functions by clicking on their respective buttons under the Orders tab on the Lists/Quotes/Orders section of My Account.


You can send a PDF formatted copy of any order, quote, or order to any email address you specify. This is especially useful to schools who are trying to reduce paper usage.

  1. Select the radio button next to any order and click the Print/Email button.
  2. Complete the following two pages according to your order preferences, similar to how you build a quote.
  3. On the third page, choose the sorting, printing format option, and additional information you want included. Then select delivery method: PDF, Print / View as HTML, or email to contact (you can also enter new/other email addresses using this option).

View Invoices

  1. Click on the order name.
  2. You will be taken to your order page.
  1. Select the radio button next to an order.
  2. Click on "View Invoices". You will be taken to your invoice.

Send to User

  1. Select the radio button next to an order (a check-mark will appear).
  2. Click on "Send to User". A red-outlined box with your selected order and other options will appear at the top of the page.
  3. Select another user (or users) with whom to share your order. Your options:
    • Type a person's username (example, jdoe1) in the "Username" box.
    • Click on a person's username from the "Select a Contact" drop-down box, if you have added contacts to your User Profile (for detailed information, go to the 'Contacts' section of this page).
    • Click on a group name from the "Select a Group" drop-down box, if you have added groups to your User Profile (for detailed information, go to the 'Contacts' section of this page).
  4. Choose whether or not to attach your personal product memos when you send the order.
  5. Enter a short message about your order (optional, 150 character limit).
  6. Edit the Order Notes are you want before sending to the other users.
  7. Click on "OK" to send the order to the selected user (or users).


  1. Select the radio button next to an order, quote or order.
  2. Click on "Copy/Merge/Split."
  3. You will be taken to the 'Copy/Merge/Split' section where you can Copy, Merge, Subtract, and Split orders.

User Label

  1. Select the radio button next to the order.
  2. Click on "User Label". A red-outlined box with a space for you to enter a label and change the label color will appear at the top of the page.
  3. Click "OK". If you change your mind, click on "Cancel".
  4. You will now be able to sort your orders based on the labels and colors you have entered.


  1. Select the radio button next to the order you wish to delete.
  2. Click on "Delete". A pop-up box confirming your delete-request will appear.
  3. To proceed, click on "OK" within the box. If you change your mind, click on "Cancel".

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View My Memos Tab

"My Memos" are an easy way to leave yourself a note about a particular title. Memos can be added to titles even if you have not placed those titles into a list. You can print your memos with your lists and quotes as well. The "View My Memos" tab in the Lists/Quotes/Orders section of My Account allows you to view memos entered for items. The memos display allows you to sort by date created and update for memos as well as the memo text and item title. Clicking on the title will take you to the title page display for that item.

Add My Memo to a Title

  1. Login with your Perma-Bound username.
  2. Click on the title of the book to view "Title Detail."
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the "Title Detail" page.
  4. Check the "Memo" tab.
  5. Enter your text into the blank My Memos box.
    • Your memo may be up to 350 characters long.
    • The "counter" under the message area will display the number of characters remaining. When the counter reaches 0, you will not be able to add more characters to that memo.
  6. Click on the "Save" button to save your memo.

Add a My Memo Title to a List

  1. Click on the title you wish to add to a list.
  2. To add the title to an already existing list:
    1. Click on the "Select Existing List" heading.
    2. Click on the list you would like to add the title to.
    3. Use the Add, Quantity, and Priority options to add the title, etc.
    4. Click on the "Add to list" button.
    5. The title will now be added to the list.
    6. To add another title with a memo to the list, click the "Return to View Memos" button. The list will remain open until you click the "My Account" button OR open another list.
  3. To add the title to a new list:
    1. Click on the "Create New List" button.
    2. Name your new list.
    3. Click on the "OK" button.
    4. Use the Add, Quantity, and Priority options to add the title, etc.
    5. Click on the "Add to list" button.
    6. The title will now be added to the list.
    7. To add another title with a memo to the list, click the "Return to View Memos" button. The list will remain open until you click the "My Account" button OR select another list.

Print My Memos

You can print your memos with any list or quote. When printing a list or quote:

  1. Under the option: "Print Memos", select the option for Yes.
  2. For any title with a memo within that list, the memo will print below the quantity and catalog number of the book.

Share My Memos

You can send My Memos to another user when you choose a list to "Send to User" from the "Lists and Quotes" tab or the "Order" tab.

  1. Add any titles with My Memos you want to share to a list.
  2. Select the list containing the titles with memos you wish to share by clicking in the box next to the list name.
  3. Click the "Send to User" button.
  4. Enter the username of the person you wish to send the list and memos to. (Enter any other information you wish to include at this time as well.)
  5. Click in the box next to Include Memos so that a black check mark appears in the box.
  6. Click the "OK" button.
  7. Once the list has been sent, you will receive a message stating that the list was sent successfully.

NOTE: If the person you sent a list to already has a memo for a title within that list, their memo will not be changed to your memo. Only titles with no memos will show your memo text for that person.

How to View Memos

  1. From the "View My Memos" Tab of the Lists / Quotes / Orders section, select the list name or "View all memos" from the drop down box.
  2. Click the OK button and you will be taken to the memo display page, which displays the items and memos you have created.

NOTE: If an item is not included in your list you can use "View all memos" to see those memos.

How to Delete a Memo

  1. From the memo display page, check the box(es) next to the memo(s) you want to delete.
  2. Click on the delete button, the memo(s) will be deleted and you are returned to the main page for the "View My Memos" tab.

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How to Perform Common Functions in Lists / Quotes / Orders

How to Sort Columns

  1. The icon to the left indicates that the column can be sorted; click on the column heading to sort that list/order/order, one click sorts it in ascending order, a second click sorts it in descending order.

How to Print a List/Order

  1. Select the radio button next to a list/order.
  2. Click on "Print/Email" button. This allows you to generate a detailed print-out capable of being used for order submission.

How to Copy a List/Order

  1. Select the radio button of one of the lists/orders your wish to copy.
  2. Click on the Copy/Merge/Split button.
  3. The "Copy List/order" tab is selected by default.
  4. Type a description within "New List/order Name"
  5. Click on Ok to create a new list/order identical to the one being copied.

How to Merge Lists/Orders

  1. Select the radio button of one of the lists/orders your wish to merge.
  2. Click on the Copy/Merge/Split button.
  3. Click the "Merge Lists/orders" tab.
  4. Type a description within "New List/order Name".
  5. Select if you would like to merge the lists/orders together and 'Drop' any duplicated items that appear in two or more of the lists/orders to result in just the quantity from one list/order, or if you want to 'Keep' any duplicated items between the lists/orders and sum the quantities together.
  6. Select ALL of the lists/orders you wish to merge into the new list/order using the mouse while holding the CTRL button to select/deselect lists/orders.
  7. Click on "OK". Your newly merged list/order will appear within "Lists and Quotes". You can either delete the original lists/orders (see "Delete", below) or leave them there.

How to Subtract One List/Order from Another

  1. It is a good idea to make a copy of a list/order before using the subtract functions to safeguard from accidental deletion of items.
  2. Select the radio button of the list/order from which your want to remove items.
  3. Click on the Copy/Merge/Split button.
  4. Click the "Subtract List/order" tab.
  5. Select the list/order containing items you want to remove for the currently selected list/order.
  6. Click Ok, once you click all items in the initial list/order which also appear in the list/order you are subtracting out will be removed.

NOTE: The subtract function does NOT check for quantity (e.g. if the initial list/order contains a quantity of 5 of a book and the list/order chosen to subtract has only 3 copies, the item will still be removed from the initial list/order, even though it had a greater quantity than the list/order chosen to subtract from it).

How to Split a List/Order

  1. Select the radio button of one of the lists/orders your wish to split.
  2. Click on the Copy/Merge/Split button.
  3. Click the "Split List/order" tab. Type descriptions for the two new lists/orders which the initial list/order will be split into. Click OK.
  4. You can use column sorting to help you determine which items will go into which of your two new lists/orders. Select the radio buttons on the right and side to place items into list/order 1 or list/order 2 that you named on the previous page.
  5. When you are finished click on OK and the two new lists/orders will be created, no changes are made to the initial list/order.
  6. If you want to split a list/order into more than two lists/orders, you can either split the list/order so that there is one final list/order and one list/order that still needs split, or you can further split each of the two newly created lists/orders.

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My Information Section

This section of My Account provides the basic tools for managing individual information and preferences.

Information Tab

This area displays some of the basic information you entered upon registering with To change or update this information:

  1. To update your basic information edit the boxes and click on submit.
  2. To change the library/school with which you are affiliated, click on "click here to change location" and search by ZIP code for your current library/school.

Username / Password Tab

If you want to edit your username or password click on this tab in the My Information section of My Account and follow the instruction located on that page.

Preferences Tab

This tab includes your preferences for viewing Accelerated Reader information, Reading Counts! information, and Lexile numbers in lists and search results. Additionally this page allows you to opt-in or opt-out of periodic emails from Perma-Bound. More details.

Processing Preferences Tab

Processing Preferences refer to the information used to prepare your books for your library or classroom. . You can specify barcode ranges, label locations, and more. Under this tab you can either print out a paper copy of the preferences form that you print, fill-in and return. You can also click the link for the online version. After completing each section, click Continue at the bottom of the page. Once the form is complete, please click Save Changes, and your information will be transmitted to Perma-Bound. If you have any questions during or after completing this form, please contact us at +1 800 637-6581 or via email at [email protected].

Addresses Tab

From this area you can manage multiple billing and shipping addresses for your school district or organization. Click on any of the following function buttons:

Contacts Tab

From this tab you can add and manage contacts and contact groups, allowing you to share lists with peers and colleagues quickly and efficiently. Any previously created contacts or contact groups will be listed here and available for use with the "Send to User" button on the My Account page.


Select from the following options:

Add/Update Contact Subpage:

Enter the relevant information for your contact here. Contact User ID and Contact Name are required fields, while Description and Comments are optional areas. Click on "OK" or "Update" when finished.

Contact Groups

Select from the following options:

Add/Update Contact Group Subpage

Enter a name in Group Name (required field) as well as extra information in Description. Select which of your contacts to include in the group by clicking the box beside each name. Click on "OK" or "Update" when finished.

Email Contacts

Select from the following options:

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My Information FAQs

I need to update my basic user information - including email address, password, phone number, and other contact information - how should I proceed?

  1. Click on the "My Information" link in left-hand tool bar on the My Account page.
  2. Follow these directions to change your basic contact information.
  3. Follow these directions to change your username and/or password.

Is it possible to add and use multiple addresses with my profile?

Yes, you can add and edit addresses from the "Addresses" tab of the "My Information" area of My Account. You can also create new addresses from the Order/Quote Information page when submitting an order or quote. If you only have one address (the one you entered when you created your user account), this will be the one used for both billing and shipping.

What's the difference between Contacts and Contact Groups?

Creating a contact group allows you to quickly send lists to multiple users without having to search through all your individual contacts. You could organize these groups by grade level (K-3, Middle School, etc.), subject (Reading, History, Civics, etc.), or school location.

I tried to add a new contact but received an error message - what happened?

You may have entered the contact's name (Jane Doe) instead of their contact user ID (jdoe123). Make sure you know your prospective contact's user ID before proceeding.

How can I add or remove Accelerated Reader, Reading Counts!, and Lexile information from my list and search results pages?

Go to the Reading Program Viewing Information area of the User Profile and click on the box next to the program you would like to add or remove. When finished, click on "Update".

My processing preferences are on file with Perma-Bound - how do I review them?

Call us toll free at +1 800 637-6581 to speak with the Processing department.

My processing preferences are on file with Perma-Bound - do I still need to enter the price manually?

Currently you do. If you are unsure of the price for your on file preferences, call us toll free at +1 800 637-6581 to speak with the Processing department.

I am selecting processing preferences for the first time and there is a lot of information to digest - whom should I call for assistance?

Contact your local service representative, or call us toll free at +1 800 637-6581 to speak with the Processing department.

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My Messages

The Inbox area will alert you when a list, quote, or order has been forwarded to you from another user, when an order has been shipped to you from Perma-Bound, or when we have sent you any special messages about the website. Messages from other users include their user IDs, allowing you to easily add them to your list of contacts.

The Outbox area displays a list of the messages you have sent from your account, including those lists which you have sent to others from the Lists and Quotes area.

NOTE: The Inbox is not an email client program and is only meant to provide brief alerts and short messages.

Deleting Messages

You can quickly delete old messages by clicking on the "Delete Checked" button.

  1. Select the box next to a list - a check-mark will appear.
  2. Click on "Delete Checked".
  3. A popup box confirming your delete request will appear.
  4. To proceed, click on "OK" within the box. If you change your mind, click on "Cancel".
  5. You may delete more than one message at one time.

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