
Collection Analysis and Planning Help

NOTE: The Collection Analysis and Planning (CAP) Program is optimized for school libraries focusing on K-12 age ranges.


This page contains a summary of your collection, including:

Clicking performs a search of our database for titles within that Dewey range. This search will bring back only titles with a copyright date within the past 5 years or newer, and also only bring back search results relevant to your school or libraries grade range.

Clicking displays the items currently in your collection within that range.

Analysis by Hundreds

This report displays the average age, number of titles, and percentages for the main Dewey ranges and categories in your collection. This brief overview of your collection helps you to immediately begin to identify your collection's strengths and weaknesses.

Click on the light blue tabs to view your information as a bar chart, or as a pie chart.

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Analysis by Tens

By breaking your collection down into much smaller increments, this report gives you a more detailed view of the average ages, number of titles, and percentages within each Dewey tens range. By analyzing this information, you can identify the specific areas of each Dewey tens range that require updates or additions.

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Collection Map

This report compares the average ages, number of titles, recommended number of titles, and number of needed titles as compared to the recommended, and percentages of the main Dewey ranges of your collection with those of the grade-appropriate core collection(s).

Click on the light blue tab to view your information as a bar chart.


Selecting this option will base the Collection Map analysis on the Perma-Bound core collection(s) appropriate to your library or organization. For this report, any Professional and Reference books are included in Dewey 000, Biography in Dewey 900, Easy and Story Collections are included in Fiction.


Selecting this option will base the Collection Map analysis on one or more nationally recognized core collections appropriate to your library or organization. For this report, Biography in Dewey 900, Easy and Story Collections are included in Fiction.

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Analysis by Years

This report identifies the number of books in your collection whose copyrights fall within each ten-year range starting at 1910. If no copyright date was available or the copyright date was prior to 1910, the title is placed into the "Other" category. For a list of your titles that have an invalid copyright date, see the incomplete records report.

Click on the light blue tab to view your information as a bar chart.

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Age Sensitivity

This report identifies the books in your collection that fall into preset age-sensitive ranges that were determined to be the most crucial for having up-to-date titles. This report also indicates how many titles are in each preset range, and then how many of those titles that fall outside of the given acceptable range.

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Aged Titles

This report identifies the specific titles in your collection with copyrights that fall outside the acceptable age. Please note that some of the titles on this report, such as classic literature titles, may still be current even if the copyright year falls outside the acceptable age range. You can click the links listed in the blue bar to view the information for each Dewey range/category.

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Incomplete Records

This report provides you with a list of all the titles in your collection in which the Dewey is either invalid or missing. You then have the ability to print this list off through your internet browser, modify your records, and then re-upload them onto our system to have a more accurate collection analysis.

Click on the light blue tab for a list of all the titles in your collection in which the copyright date is either invalid or missing.

Your results are limited to 500 titles. To view all incomplete records, click on the Export to Spreadsheet button.

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Five-Year Plan

This page provides you with a five-year plan for how to eliminate your aged titles and how to go about replacing them over a five-year period. This report displays the number of books recommended for purchase per year, and the associated dollar costs to get to your school's target collection size.

For this report, any Professional and Reference books are included in Dewey 000, Biography in Dewey 900, Easy and Story Collections are included in Fiction.

Click on the Export to Spreadsheet button to work with these figures in spreadsheet format.

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Print my Report

From this page you can produce a printed copy of your online CAP report. Perma-Bound suggests that you share the results of your CAP report with your principal, fellow librarians or media specialists, school board, and/or your district administrators. You can also include the results of your CAP report with grant applications.

CAP offers full-color printable versions of all of the online reports, excluding the "Aged Titles" report and the "Incomplete Records" report; which you can print off separately through your internet browser's print function. Please allow 1-2 minutes for the report to be produced. To achieve the best printing results, make sure your printer is set at the highest quality print setting.

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My Settings

Analysis Settings

From this page you may modify the grade range of your school, the number of students, and your books per student goal. Click 'Save' to make changes to your settings.

Collection Settings

From this page you are able to change the way CAP will view your MARC records call number by setting the prefixes for certain types of books and those prefixes which should be completely removed such as PB for paperback or Q or O for oversized. It is important to validate this information to verify that your call number prefixes are being correctly sorted. Detailed instructions on how the sections work are included on the page.

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How to update CAP online

Follow these simple steps to updating your current CAP online collection.

  1. Go to your My Account page
  2. Select the "Collection Match" link in the left-hand menu
  3. Then click the "Update" link below that
  4. From the update page, verify your school name, grade range, and number of students
  5. Enter your Average Books Per Student goal
  6. Then select to Overwrite or Append your current collection
    1. Overwriting will remove and replace all of the current records uploaded
    2. Append will add the new records to the existing ones
  7. Click "Browse" to locate your new MARC record file
  8. Once all the information is correct, click the "Update" button

NOTE: Depending on the file size it can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes to upload a file. Your file will then be processed and updated on your account within 1-2 hours.

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