Lists Help
The List and Search Results pages form the foundation of's product selection process and are very similar in nature. From these pages you can manage the content of an individual list, as well as conduct research on specific titles.
List Summary
This information appears between the two blue navigation/tool bars, under the tabs when they are present, and above the "Title Results" area. The information provides a basic summary of the selected list's contents.
- Qty - the total quantity of items, including sets and multiples.
- Price - This price includes the total for all items on the list, excluding substitute items. Price does not include sales tax or processing charges; to get a wholly accurate price for a list, you will need to submit as an order or quote (for detailed information, see 'Orders and Quotes').
- Subs - This price shows the total for all substitute items on the list.
Title Results
The Title Results area displays the product title and additional information, row by row, for the contents of your list.
Add. On a list page, the Add column will automatically contain a check-mark for all titles to indicate selection.
To add or remove a product:
- Click on the box so the check-mark appears or disappears. Check-mark indicates selection.
- When you are finished with your selections, click on the "Update" button above, or utilize the "Update All Changes on this Page" option in the left-hand menu.
NOTE: "N/A" in the Add column indicates that though an AR Quiz is available, Perma-Bound does not carry that particular book title.
NOTE: Adding or removing a selected title does not automatically add or remove its associated AR Quiz (if applicable). You must also click on the check-mark within the "AR Quiz" column if you want to select or deselect it.
For more information about the Title Results, click here .
List Function Interface
The blue row, located above the Title Results area, provide a series of quick commands for managing your list. Some of the commands mirror functions from the homepage, while others are unique to the List page.
- Print. This button will take you to the Print Options page. For detailed information, go to the 'Printing' section of the Help Center.
- Submit as Quote. This button will take you to the Quote Information page. For detailed information, go to the 'Orders and Quotes' section of the Help Center.
- Order Online. This button will take you to the Order Information / Checkout page. For detailed information, go to the 'Orders and Quotes' section of the Help Center.
- Page Listing. Indicates the number of pages comprised by your list. You can navigate between pages by clicking on the arrows ( and ). (Ex: 1 of 5 )
- Go to Page. This drop-down box allows the user to select a specific page number to go straight to.
- Jump in Sort. You can go straight to certain titles in your list, depending on how you have your list sorted. (Ex: If the list remains sorted alphabetically, enter in a specific letter to jump to the page where the titles starting with that letter are listed.)
List Selectors
The left-hand menu allows you to rapidly select or deselect multiple products in your list.
- Remove
Items: These options affect the Add boxes:
- Remove all items on this list
- Remove all items on this page
- Remove all exact matches*
- Remove all exact matches on this page*
- Remove all partial matches*
- Remove all partial matches on this page*
* Only if you are utilizing Collection Match. For more information, go to the 'Manage My Collection ' area of the Help Center.
Update All Changes on this Page. Update any quantities and priorities, then click here.
Sorting Options
The "Sort By" option in the left-hand menu provides several options for sorting a list. Choose to sort lists by ascending or descending numerical or alphabetical value using the "Sort Direction" option; items without a stored value will appear at the end of an ascending list and the beginning of a descending list.
- As Keyed - in order of items added (from first to last)
- Author - alphabetical by author
- Binding- Perma-Bound binding vs. other binding types
- Catalog Number
- Copyright Date - from newest to oldest
- Dewey / Author - according to the Dewey Decimal System, then sorted by author for duplicate Dewey numbers
- Dewey / Title - according to the Dewey Decimal System, then sorted by title for duplicate Dewey numbers
- Interest Level
- Language
- Lexile - by Lexile number
- Out of Stock / Print
- Price
- Priority - from high to normal to sub
- Publisher - alphabetical by publisher
- Quantity
- Reading Counts! - by Reading Counts! reading level
- Reading Level
- Title - alphabetical by title
NOTE: The default sort setting for all lists is alphabetical by title, which is how a list will be displayed every time you open it (no matter what sorting options you selected previously).
Title Detail Page
This page provides additional information on an individual title, from page count and Dewey code to series. You can reach the title detail page by clicking on the book/set title in any list or search results page. Click here for information.
General List Management
Organizing Principles
Following a few common practices can help alleviate potential headaches and make using more efficient and agreeable. Additional information on list management and maintenance can be found in the 'My Account ' help section.
- Use obvious names for your lists. If you have been away from our website for awhile, this reduces confusion and allows you to pick up where you left off. It is also helpful when sharing lists with colleagues.
- Always make a copy of a list before making major alterations. If you will be adding or deleting numerous titles from your list, having a copy to refer back to can be very helpful in most cases.
- Small lists are often easier to manage. Although
large lists are sometimes unavoidable, maintaining a group of
smaller lists organized by subject, theme, grade level, media type,
etc., can often prove beneficial. It is usually simpler to alter,
print, and share such lists with colleagues. Two related points to
- A list is not necessarily an order. You can use your lists as topics of discussion or research tools for curriculum and collection development.
- It is easier to merge lists than to split them. When the time comes to place an order, you can combine separate lists with a few button clicks.
FAQs - Lists
How do I create a list?
From the 'My Account page. '
From a search results page or the title detail page:
- Click on the "Create New List" link in the left-hand menu - a "New List Name" box will appear.
- Enter your list name and press "Submit". You can now begin searching and adding items to your newly created list.
For more information on conducting searches go to the 'Searches ' section of the Help Center.
How do I add products to my list?
You must first conduct a search (see the 'Searches '). Once you are at a search results page:
- Click on the "Add" box.
- This can also be done from any Title Detail Page if you are working with an opened list.
How do I delete products from my list?
- Navigate to the "View List" page by clicking on View "Listname" in the left-hand menu on the search page, or from the My Account page click on the listname.
- Click on the checkbox so the check-mark disappears.
- Click on the blue "Update" button.
Why is my list empty?
You need to conduct a search and select some titles to add them to your list.
I added some items to my list but now I don't see them - why?
If your list is large and contains many items, it will take up several pages. Once items are added to a list they are sorted alphabetically by title (the default setting every time you reopen a list). You can either navigate through the pages using the arrows (◄ and ►) or "Jump to page" button, or sort the list by "As Keyed" to view in terms of order added.
What is the difference in priorities - high, normal, and sub?
- High - these items will be the first ones added to your order when it is processed at Perma-Bound. This is important when using the "Do Not Exceed" dollar amount option during check out (see 'Orders and Quotes').
- Normal - the default setting.
- Sub - these items will be added if the rest of your order has been filled but did not meet your "Do Not Exceed" dollar amount, or they will be substituted for out of stock or discontinued items.
I have added many different items to my list over a period of time - how do I view my list in terms of the order in which these items were added?
Sort your list by "As Keyed" and it will show the results in terms of the order added.
I deleted some titles from my list but I still see them there - why?
You may have deleted the titles from the "Add" column but forgot to delete them from the "AR Quiz" column. A list will continue to display a title if either of these two columns contains a check-mark.
How do I combine separate lists together?
Use the ' Merge function. '
How do I split a list into to separate smaller lists?
Use the 'Split function. '