Orders and Quotes Help
- Overview
- Order/Quote Information
- Basic Library Processing Costs
- Confirmation Page
- Check In
- FAQs - Orders and Quotes
Once you have conducted your research, created and managed your lists, and are ready to make a purchase, the process of placing an order online is fast and easy. A quote guarantees prices for 60 days and generates a printable list that includes details on all selected products, shipping and billing information, and processing preferences (if selected). An order takes the process a step further and submits your list to Perma-Bound's facilities, where we will fill and ship it as soon as possible.
Basic Steps
Here are the basic steps to placing an order through Perma-Bound.com:
- Create and refine a list by way of search and list management tools.
- Submit your list as a quote to lock in prices for 60 days. Print this quote for administrative review/confirmation (if necessary) and to receive a Purchase Order number from your district or organization.
- Submit your list as an order and print for your records. The order will then be entered at Perma-Bound, filled, and shipped.
NOTE: You always have the option to skip Step 2 and proceed straight to checkout, depending on your district or organization's purchase practices. You also have the option to print a list, quote, or order and send it via fax or conventional mail if such is your preference.
How to Begin
There are two easy methods to begin submitting your lists as orders or quotes, both of which will take you to the "Order Information/Checkout" or "Quote Information" pages:
- Submit from the My Account page. Select one of your lists within the Lists, Orders, Quotes area, and then click on the "Order Online" or "Submit as Quote" buttons.
- Submit from a list page. Click on the "Order Online" or "Submit as Quote" buttons in the blue bar, which can be found near both the top and bottom of every list page.
Order/Quote Information
Enter or select the relevant order or quote information on this page. When you are finished, click on the "Continue" button at the bottom of the page to proceed to the Confirmation page.
Processing Preference (card/circulation kits, labels, bar codes)
- *Processing Drop-down Box - Click in this box to select your preference. Choices include "No processing", "On File" (this selects the processing preference currently on file with Perma-Bound for your account), or any created preferences.
- Price per book - Displays your selection from the Processing Drop-down Box automatically.
*Select Bill-to/Ship-to Address: These two drop-down boxes will list your default address automatically. You can also select from among any additional addresses included in your User Profile, or add new addresses by clicking on the "add new address" link (which will open the User Addresses subpage for entry). Newly created addresses will be saved in your User Profile and available for selection in the drop-down boxes.
Purchase Order Number
This box is a required field when submitting an order (but not a quote).
- If you are ready to submit your order and have a Purchase Order Number ready, enter that number in the field provided.
- If you are ready to submit your order, are required to use a Purchase Order Number, but have not yet received your Purchase Order Number from your organization, enter "Hold for PO" in the field provided.
- If your organization does not require you to use a Purchase Order Number to purchase items, enter "No PO necessary" in the field provided.
Requested Delivery Date
This optional box allows you to indicate the date you would like to receive your order. Remember that orders generally take 3-4 weeks.
Sales Tax
Enter the sales tax rate (if applicable) for your state or province within this box.
This optional box allows you to indicate another contact person at your district or organization who can answer questions pertaining to the order.
Do Not Exceed Amount
You can enter a dollar amount within this optional box as a cutoff point. We generally suggest you include approximately 15-25% more items than you anticipate purchasing and list them as Substitutes in the event that some titles are not available.
Starting Bar Code Number
This optional box allows you to enter a starting bar code number for this order.
Allow Back Orders
"Yes" indicates you will allow us to split orders into separate shipments if we need to back order any titles to complete your list. You can also select "No" by clicking on the button.
NOTE: Selecting "No" to receive all items in one shipment may increase the amount of time before your order arrives.
Special Messages
This optional box allows you to enter any additional information that you feel may be relevant to your order.
Sort Order
Default setting is "Sort by Title", which invoices items alphabetically by title. You can also click on "Sort by Author" if you want your invoice listed alphabetically by author.
Pay by Credit Card
Selecting this option will direct you to a secured credit card entry page
Basic Library Processing
MARC records are FREE with purchase!
Services offered include: Catalog card kits, circulation kits, a package for automated circulation systems, as well as many individual items including theft detection, reading program labels, and more. Visit our library processing page for more details and current processing prices to help you calculate your processing cost. If you do not know the options you have on file with Perma-Bound, please contact our customer service department at +1 800 637-6581.
Confirmation Page
The Confirmation page provides the opportunity to review all your individual settings criteria, and preferences, as well as the contents of your order or quote one last time prior to submission. The function buttons at the top and bottom of the page display your basic options:
- Cancel - Click here to return to the Order/Quote Information page.
- Print as Order/Quote -If you would like your order or quote displayed with additional information for printing purposes, click on this button. You will go to the Print Options page (for further information, click here).
NOTE: To return to the Confirmation page after printing, click on "Back" in the Print Screen then "Cancel" in the Print Options page.
- Submit as Order/Quote - Click here to submit your order or quote to Perma-Bound. You will receive an email message that your order or quote has been successfully received and the date of your submission will be reflected in the Lists, Orders, Quotes area of the My Account page.
REMEMBER: A quote locks in prices for 60 days but is not an order. To receive the items on your list, you must submit them as an online order or fax, phone, or mail the order information to us.
NOTE: Once a list has been submitted as an order or quote, you can no longer open it as a list; however, you will be able to view an order summary, and you also have the option of making a copy of that order or quote which will then be active as a list.
NOTE: Email confirmation will be sent to each email address listed in your User Profile. Separate emails sent to different addresses at the same time do not mean your order was submitted multiple times.
FAQs - Orders and Quotes
What is the difference between a quote and an order?
A quote guarantees prices for 60 days and generates a printable list that includes details on all selected products as well as your shipping and billing information. An order takes the process a step further and submits your list to Perma-Bound's facilities, where we will fill and ship it as soon as possible.
How do I submit an order or quote?
The process has several steps. For a broad overview of the process, click here. To see how to begin, click here.
What if I don't want to place my order online?
You always have the option of printing a quote or order and sending it to us via fax or conventional mail if such is your preference.
How do I know if my order or quote was successfully submitted?
First, you will see the current date entered in the Date Ordered or Date Quoted column in the Lists, Orders, Quotes, area of Perma-Bound.com's My Account page. Second, you should receive an email confirmation message soon after submission.
How do I cancel an order submitted by mistake or make changes once it has been submitted online?
Call us toll free at +1 800 637-6581 as soon as possible.
I am sure I submitted my order but have received no email confirmation and no date is displayed in the "date ordered" area - what should I do?
Call us toll free at +1 800 637-6581 or email at [email protected] and we will confirm whether or not we received it.
I submitted a quote, but after reviewing it with my supervisors or colleagues decided to make some changes - can you change my quote back to a list?
Yes we can - call us toll free at +1 800 637-6581 or email at [email protected]. As an alternative, you can make a copy of any list you feel you might want to alter, either before or after submitting it as a quote.
What if I want to print my order or quote without submitting it?
No problem-you can print from the Confirmation Page. Click on "Back" or "Cancel" to exit this page without submitting your order or quote.
How do I change my address information while submitting an order or quote?
If you see that your address information needs to be changed, click on the "add address" button on the bottom of the page where you select your billing and shipping address. This will open the User Addresses subpage, allowing you make additional for entries. Newly created addresses will be saved in your User Profile and available for selection in the drop-down boxes.
Do I need to have a Purchase Order number to place an order?
If your school district or organization requires a PO number, you should be sure to include it. If not, enter "No PO necessary."
Should I wait until I have a Purchase Order number before submitting my order online?
If your school district or organization requires a PO number, you should wait to include it. This reduces the chances of a duplicate order being submitted.
Where do I enter my credit card information?
If you wish to pay for your order by credit card, please check the box at the bottom of the first Order Options page for 'Pay By Credit Card.' You will then by redirected to a secure credit card information entry screen. NOTE: Perma-Bound only accepts American Express®, Discover®, Visa® or MasterCard® credit cards.
Can I place an order if I am not affiliated with a school or library?
Yes. Call us toll free at +1 800 637-6581 to make arrangements to pay by credit card, check, or money order.
My processing preferences are on file with Perma-Bound - how do I review them?
Call us toll free at +1 800 637-6581 and ask to speak with the Processing department.
My processing preferences are on file with Perma-Bound - do I still need to enter the price manually?
Currently you do. If you are unsure of the price for your preferences on file, call us toll free at +1 800 637-6581 and ask to speak with the Processing department.
I am selecting processing preferences for the first time and there is a lot of information to digest - whom should I call for assistance?
Contact your local service representative, or call us toll free at +1 800 637-6581 and ask to speak with the Processing department.