Collection Match

Collection Match is a powerful comparative tool that matches your school or library's Machine Readable Cataloging data against Perma-Bound's entire product inventory. You can use this feature to eliminate unwanted duplicate titles when placing orders and developing lists, or as a means of analyzing your collection.

Getting Started

  1. Export your collection's MARC records from your software circulation system (export instructions are accessible here or in our online 'Help Center' and on the Upload/Update page ).
  2. Upload this MARC record file via's web interface on your My Account page
  3. Perma-Bound will analyze and match your records within 1-2 hours.
  4. The results will then be applied to your web account, and one of three match-icons will appear to the right of the Title Results area of all lists and search results.
Icon Match Criteria
Exact Identical ISBNs
Exact Title + Author/Illustrator + Copyright Date
Exact Reading Program Quiz Number
Possible Title + Author/Illustrator
Possible Title + Publisher + Copyright Date
Possible Title + Author's last name
No None of the above

Supported Software

We provide step-by-step instructions for a wide array of software circulation systems. Click on the 'more info' link in the Collection Match area of the Customer Homepage, or go to the Perma-Bound Help Center and select Collection Match, 'Exporting MARC Records'.

Supported Software Systems:

  • AGent VERSO
  • Alexandria
  • Athena
  • Atriuum
  • CASPR/Library World
  • Concourse
  • Destiny
  • Dynix and Sirsi, General System Export
  • Follett Circulation Plus
  • Infocentre (Sagebrush)
  • Insignia Library System
  • L4U/Kelowna
  • Library Pro 2.2
  • Library Solutions (TLC)
  • Mandarin
  • Sirsi Unicorn Ecole
  • Surpass Central
  • Winnebago/Spectrum

Login and click on 'Upload/Update' located under the Collection Match heading in the left-hand menu of your My Account page to receive your FREE analysis today!

For further assistance setting up and utilizing Collection Match, please contact your Perma-Bound representative or Tech Support at +1 800 637-6581, [email protected].

Note: To ensure the quality and integrity of our database, we have removed MARC Records uploads from accounts that have not been accessed for over a period of two years. You are welcome to re-upload your records for a new Collection Match/CAP Analysis. If you feel an error has been made with your records, please contact our tech support at +1 800 637-6581 or email [email protected].

Note: CAP only takes into account the MARC records you have uploaded for titles that are currently in the Perma-Bound database, which may not be reflective of your entire collection. Because of this, you may notice a difference between the actual number of books in your collection and what is displayed as a match in Collection Match